Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 87 Number 2 2009
This is the seventh in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have contributed to the Rosicrucian tradition.
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What We Can Learn about the Eleusinian Mysteries George Mylonas, Ph.D.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Image: Eleusis;Rossetti’s Persephone
Demeter and Persephone Charlene Spretnak, M.A.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Image: Ceres; Persephone; Ceres and Triptolemos

The Wisdom of the Sages: On the Homeric Hymn and the Myth of Demeter Nicholas P. Kephalas, F.R.C.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Image: Karyatid; Cave of PlutoTriumph of Demeter;Return of Persephone; Plato; Triptolemos
At Eleusis Ella Wheeler Wilcox, S.R.C.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images: Ella Wheeler Wilcox; Eleusis Museum and Mountains
The Lesser Mysteries of Eleusis Stefanie Goodart, M.A., S.R.C.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images: View of Athens from the River Ilissos; Purification of Herakles; Herakles Veiled; Purification of Herakles from Torre Nova
Eleusis Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images: Georg Hegel; Main Entrance to Eleusis Sanctuary
The Ritual Path of Initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries Mara Lynn Keller, Ph.D.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images: Main Entrance to Eleusis Sanctuary; Aristotle Teaching; Acropolis at Night; Votive Piglet Statue; Asclepius; Rape of Persephone; Demeter and Kore; Dionysus and Ploutos; Cicero
The Eleusinian Mysteries and the Bee Julie Sanchez-Parodi, S.R.C.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images:Rembrant’s Rape of Persephone; Golden Anatolian Bee; Minoan Gold Bee; Bees of Malia; Robert Fludd’s Dat Rosa Mel Apibus
Eleusis: The Card Game Robert Abbott, John Golden, and the Staff of the Rosicrucian Digest
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Images: Ruins of Eleusis
The Message of the Eleusinian Mysteries for Today’s World Albert Hofmann, Ph.D.
PDF: Read article MP3: Audio Image: Albert Hofmann; Marcus Aurelius at Eleusis; Telesterion at Eleusis; The Rape of Proserpine; Ecstasy of St. Teresa; Leaders of Zen; Persephone purifying a candidate
Supplementary Web Articles
The Rapture of Being Alive: Reflections on a Journey to Eleusis Elisa Cuttjohn, S.R.C.
PDF: Read article Images: Completion; Circle Dance; In the Womb; A New Day; Gratitude; Great New Story; Learning; Gaia; The Mysteries
Wisdom of the Sages: The Eleusinian Mysteries (Full Version) Nicholas P. Kephalas, F.R.C.
PDF: Read article Images: Ruins of the Temple at Eleusis; Koliva; Fronticepiece to The Golden Ass; Plutarch’s Lives; Academy of Plato: Phaedrus: Orpheus; Temple at Eleusis; Athena’s Olive Tree; Production of The Frogs; Temple of Demeter at Eleusis; Eastern Orthodox Ritual
The Eleusinian Mysteries and Other Mystery Religions Jeremy Naydler, Ph.D.
PDF: Read article Images: Bronze Osiris Images; Isis Finial; Eros and Psyche; Ziggurat at Ur; Osireion at Abydos
Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries Richard G. Geldard
PDF: Read article Images: Telesterion at Eleusis; Mountains at Eleusis; Dionysus-Osiris; Demeter; Demeter, Persephone and Triptolemos; Phryne at the Poseidonia in Eleusis; Kore; The Ninion Votive Plaque; Eleusis and Part of the Island of Salamis; Demeter and Metanira; Hades and Cerberus; Triumphant Return of Dionysus; Hunt for the Calydonian Boar; Eubouleus
Mastery of Life at Eleusis and in the I Ching Antonietta Francini, M.D.
PDF: Read article Images: Ruins of Eleusis Telesterion;The I Ching; The Emerald Tablet