Location: Online 5.30pm EDT
City/Town: Hamilton, ON L8R 1N1
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/ontariorosicrucians/home/hamilton-pronaos
Members only online event
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The discussion is based on an article by Ralph M. Lewis, from Rosicrucian Digest, Volume XLIX, June 1971, No. 6, p. 230-231.
* The sense of inadequacy and futility of life causes some individuals to find comfort in the belief that somewhere there is an omnipotent and omniscient personality who will guide them past the pitfalls of future events.
* These individuals like to think of a “personal master” who has taken them under his aegis and from whom they might learn to personally confront life and master it by their own intelligent effort.
* However, there are others who seek Masters for the purpose of solving life’s problems for them - such individuals never learn personal mastery.
* There are those who look for constant aid and guidance from “Invisible Masters’ whom they arbitrarily assign to themselves and whom they expect to be constantly vigilant for their own individual welfare.
Where does enlightened experience come from? If one is able to attune with Cosmic Masters, how should one use such contact? Is it possible to have a superstitious concept of the Masters?