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A Thousand Years of Yesterdays - A Thousand Years of Yesterdays
by H. Spencer Lewis
Here is a book that will tell you about the real facts of reincarnation. It is a story of the Soul, a...
Activate expired - Thank you for taking this step to activate your member in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC!
When accessing your new customer portal, it will be important to use th...
Alchemical Manuscript Series - Alchemical Manuscripts
The Alchemical Manuscript Series is a collection of rare, centuries-old alchemical material made available to English readers. It includ...
Along Civilization's Trail - Along Civilization's Trail
by Ralph M. Lewis
Here is a book that you will enjoy reading — no matter what your beliefs or affiliations‚ &mdas...
AMORC Home Study Lessons - AMORC Home Study Lessons
The mystical teachings of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, are presented in booklets called monographs, and the lessons are divided into ...
AMORC is Unique - Much of the material in the Rosicrucian teachings cannot be found anywhere else.
Much of it goes back to the mystery schools of ancient Egypt and Europe. Yet i...
Appellatio Fraternitatis - Appellatio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis
Rosicrucian ManifestoAppellatio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis - An Appeal for Ecology, Humanism, and Spirituality!
On the 4...
Appreciated Securities - Gift of Appreciated Securities
A Tax-Savvy Way to Benefit from Growing Assets
Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value and been held for mor...
Become a Rosicrucian Student - Becoming a Rosicrucian Student
You are invited to participate in our exploration of the universal laws governing humanity and the universe.
As a Rosicru...
Behold the Sign - Ancient Symbolism - Behold the Sign - Ancient Symbolism
by Ralph M. Lewis
What were the Sacred Traditions said to have been revealed to Moses—and never spoken by the ancien...
Cares that Infest - Between Man and Happiness -
Cares that Infest - Between Man and Happiness
by Cecil A. Poole
The chapters in this book, originally written as discourses and presentations for Rosic...
Charitable Gift Annuity - Charitable Gift Annuity
Gifts That Pay You Income
There’s a way for you to support The Rosicrucian Order and feel confident that you have dependable inc...
Charitable Lead Trust - Charitable Lead Trust
Protect Your Assets
If you want to make an impact now at The Rosicrucian Order and also provide for your family later, consider setting ...
Charitable Remainder Trust - Charitable Remainder Trust
Solutions for Large Donations
If you have built a sizable estate and also are looking for ways to receive reliable payments, consid...
Claudio Mazzucco, Imperator -
Claudio Mazzucco, FRC
Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
2019 - present
Frater Claudio Mazzucco was born on May 11, 1960 in Vicenza, I...
Closely Held Stock - Closely Held Stock
Charitable Giving Strategies for the Business Owner
If you hold stock in a closely held business, you may be able to use that stock as a po...
Community - forwards to
Contact - Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Email: membership@rosicrucian.org
1342 Naglee Ave. San Jose CA 95126 USA
Rosicrucian Members: In all communications to the Gr...
Cosmic Mission Fulfilled - Cosmic Mission Fulfilled
by Ralph M. Lewis
This illustrated biography of Harvey Spencer Lewis, Imperator of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, was writt...
Council of Solace - Council of Solace
24-Hour Metaphysical Aid
The Council of Solace is a group of people (at Rosicrucian Park and throughout the world) who meditate daily on beh...
Cultural Center - Rosicrucian Cultural Center of New York City
Located in Central Harlem, the Rosicrucian Cultural Center of NYC is a place of learning and meditation open ...
Develop your Highest Potential - Developing your Highest Potential
The Rosicrucian teachings offer you access to a vast storehouse of profound wisdom carefully preserved for centuries.
The Ro...
Donation Alchemy - Support the Alchemy Museum at Rosicrucian Park
We invite you to participate in our dream of having an Alchemy Museum at Rosicrucian Park!
The Alchemy Museum...
Donation Form - Support the Order
So that as many people as possible can benefit from the Rosicrucian teachings, we keep the dues as low as we can, which means that the cost...
Donation Form AMORC - Support the Work of our Order throughout the World!
Please consider financially supporting the worldwide activities of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.
It ...
Donation Labyrinth - Support the Labyrinth at Rosicrucian Park
For the past fifteen years, Rosicrucian Park has resolutely committed to using natural resources as sustainably as ...
Donation Museum - Support the Egyptian Museum
Your gift to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum contributes to the education of over 25,000 sixth graders each year. The experienc...
Donation Research Library - Support the Rare Books and Manuscripts Room
The new Rare Books and Manuscripts Room will make it possible to display some of the Library's most important wor...
Donation Thank You AMORC - Thank you for your generosity toward the work of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC!
We will be confirming receipt of your donation with an email, that you may use f...
Donor Advised Fund - Donor Advised Fund
An Alternative Way to Give
You may already have a donor-advised fund (DAF), or you may be thinking about setting up one. With a DAF, you ma...
Egypt's Ancient Heritage - Egypt's Ancient Heritage
by Rodman R Clayson
Much of what we know today began in Egypt! Out of that ancient civilization, which lasted three thousand years, c...
Email Privacy - Privacy Policy
We understand and share your concerns about privacy. We want to assure you that we respect your privacy and we treat your personal information w...
Endowed Gifts - Endowed Gifts
Your Gift Can Last Forever
An endowment gift to The Rosicrucian Order today provides a brighter picture for our future. When you make a donation...
Essays Of A Modern Mystic - Essays Of A Modern Mystic
by H. Spencer Lewis
Intuition is unlearned knowledge. The mystic is one who has a profound insight into this unlearned knowledge tha...
Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, a Religion?
No. AMORC, which stands for Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, is not a religi...
Gift of Cash - Gift of Cash
The Power of a Simple Gift
One of the easiest and most common ways for you to support The Rosicrucian Order is with a gift of cash. Cash can be u...
Great Women Initiates -
Great Women Initiates
by Hélène Bernard
Throughout history, there have been women of exceptional courage and inspiration. Some, such as Joan o...
Herbalism Through The Ages - Herbalism Through The Ages
by Ralph Whiteside Kerr
The seemingly magical power of herbs endowed them with a divine essence to the mind of early humans. Not on...
History - The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is known internationally by its traditional and authentic title, the Ancient Mys...
Home - The Rosicrucians are a community of philosophers who study Natural Laws in order to live in harmony with them.
Our mission is to provide seekers with the spiri...
How the System of Study is Structured - How the System of Study is Structured
Each month, you’ll receive online access to your weekly lessons, called monographs, to read in the privacy of your ...
I Saw Your Light from Afar - I Saw Your Light from Afar
by Imperator Claudio Mazzucco
This book presents a collection of essays by Claudio Mazzucco, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AM...
In Search of Reality -
In Search of Reality
by Cecil A. Poole
In reading this book, anyone interested in mysticism and spirituality will have a better idea of Rosicrucian philosop...
Initiation and Community - Initiation and Community
Initiations are as old as the earliest civilizations.The ancient Egyptians learned that the performance of various acts, and the use o...
IRA Gifts - Smart Giving From Your IRA
A Tax-Saving Way to Help The Rosicrucian Order
Make a difference today and save on taxes. It is possible when you support the The R...
Join - Congratulations on your decision to become a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC!
As a Rosicrucian member, you will receive many benefits that will all contr...
Join Introductory Membership - Congratulations on your decision to become a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC!
As a Rosicrucian member, you will receive many benefits that will all contr...
Join Now - Congratulations on your decision to become a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC!
As a Rosicrucian member, you will receive many benefits that will all contr...
Julie Scott, Grand Master - Julie Scott, Grand Master
Julie Scott serves as the Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas as well as its President and Chief Executive Off...
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific - Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
by Wishar Cervé and James Ward
Beneath the rolling, restless seas lie the mysteries of forgotten civilizatio...
Local Groups - Rosicrucian Affiliated Bodies
Arizona, Phoenix - Valley of the Sun Pronaos
Alberta, Calgary - Calgary Pronaos
Login - On March 2, 2015, we moved our membership site to a new platform that will enable you to more easily access your monographs and manage your membership portal.
Man Against Darkness - Man Against Darkness
by Ben Finger Jr.
Because of Them . . . . the men illustrated in the pages that follow—we enjoy a world wherein ignorance, disease,...
Mansions of the Soul -
Mansions of the Soul
by H. Spencer Lewis
The definitive work on reincarnation and the soul, this Rosicrucian classic explains all about the soul and its cyc...
Master of the Rose Cross - Master of the Rose Cross
by H. Spencer Lewis
Harvey Spencer Lewis was born in New Jersey on November 25, 1883, of Welsh heritage and Methodist parents. He rec...
Mastery of Life -
Would you like to experience Mastery of Life?
Enter your name and email address below to learn more about a Tradition that spans centuries and that will gu...
Members - Manage your Membership
Log into your account to view or update your membership information or access your monographs.
View list of Rosicrucian special ...
Memorials and Tribute Gifts - Memorials and Tribute Gifts
Honor Someone Special With a Gift in Their Name
If you have a loved one who has been inspired by The Rosicrucian Order, establishi...
Mental Alchemy - Mental Alchemy
by Ralph M. Lewis
We can transmute our problems to workable solutions through mental alchemy. While this process is neither easy nor instantane...
Mental Poisoning - Mental Poisoning
by H. Spencer Lewis
Tortured souls. Human beings, whose self-confidence and peace of mind have been torn to shreds by invisible darts—t...
Monthly Recurring Donation - Support the Order - Monthly Recurring Donation
So that as many people as possible can benefit from the Rosicrucian teachings, we keep the dues as low as we c...
Mystic Triangle - Mystic Triangle
The forerunner to the Rosicrucian Digest from 1925 through 1929, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis published the Mystic Triangle which is now known as the R...
Mystic Triangle - 1925 -
Mystic Triangle
The Mystic Triangle Magazine, first published in 1925, served as a significant platform for disseminating Rosicrucian philosophy and ...
Mystic Triangle - 1926 - Mystic Triangle
The Mystic Triangle Magazine of Rosicrucian Philosophy, published in 1926, continued its mission of exploring and disseminating the pro...
Mystic Triangle - 1927 - Mystic Triangle
The Mystic Triangle was a monthly publication produced by the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) in the late 1920s, with its first issue release...
Mystic Triangle - 1928 - Mystic Triangle
In 1928, The Mystic Triangle Magazine of Rosicrucian Philosophy continued to serve as an essential conduit for the teachings and philos...
Mystic Triangle - 1929 - Mystic Triangle
The Mystic Triangle Magazine of Rosicrucian Philosophy in 1928 continued its legacy as a vital resource for those seeking deeper spirit...
Mystic Wisdom -
Mystic Wisdom
by Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Overflowing with inspiration for both the heart and the soul. The joyful reflections this beautiful book cont...
Mysticism: The Ultimate Experience - Mysticism: The Ultimate Experience
by Cecil A. Poole
An experience is more than just a sensation, a feeling. It is an awareness, or perception, with meaning. ...
Mystics at Prayer - Mystics at Prayer
by Rosicrucian Order, AMORC/Compiled by Many Cihlar/ Intro by H.Spencer Lewis
This collection of nineteen essays covers a wide range of...
New System Tech Notes - New System Technology Notes
User Names and Passwords
If your browser uses Auto-Fill for your usernames and passwords, it sees the two portals martinist.custom...
Our Cosmic Neighbors: Story of the Stars - Our Cosmic Neighbors: Story of the Stars
by Rodman R. Clayson
This little book is for those men, women, and children who desire to become better acquainted wi...
Podcast - We have moved the Rosicrucian Podcasts to a new address for faster downloads and a better podcast experience. To listen, please visit: Rosicrucian-podcasts.org
Positio Fraternitatis - Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis
The Rosicrucian World Convention in Sweden in August 2001 reflected a theme of world peace and harmony among all nations and...
Practical Mysticism - Practical Mysticism
by Edward Lee
In Practical Mysticism author Edward Lee answers typical questions that have been asked of correspondents, instructors, and ...
Privacy - Our Privacy Policy
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC does not track visitors on our website. Our site captures limited information about visits to this site. We use...
Real Estate - Real Estate
Transforming Realty to Gift Reality
Want to make a gift to charity without touching your bank account? Consider giving real estate, such as a pers...
Recommended Reading Lists - Bibliographies:
The Cross in Multicultural Symbolism
The DaVinci Code
Angels and Kabbalah
Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: General Back...
Recommended Reading Lists-Ancient Mystery Schools - The Ancient Mystery Schools
Rosicrucian Salon Bibliography Julie Scott, M.A., President and Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge of AMORC for the Americas, ...
Recommended Reading Lists-Angels and Kabbalah - Angels and Kabbalah
Rosicrucian Salon Bibliography Dr. Lloyd Abrams, PhD October 12, 2004
Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels. The F...
Recommended Reading Lists-Mystic Symbolism - Mystic Symbolism
Rosicrucian Salon BibliographySteven Armstrong, Ph.D (abd)October 11, 2005
Bayley, Harold. The Lost Language ...
Recommended Reading Lists-Readings on the Grail - Some Readings on The Grail
About.com. “The Holy Grail.” Webpage. Extensive links and references: http://altreligion.about.com/library/bl_graal.htm....
Recommended Reading Lists-Ritual -
Discourse Bibliography Grand Master / President Julie Scott, MA September 11, 2004
Bibliography Campbell, Joseph. Myths To ...
Recommended Reading Lists-Solomon's Temple - Solomon's Temple
Rosicrucian Salon Bibliography John Minagro, FRC January 11, 2005
Internet references:
International Department of the Temple Institute. The...
Recommended Reading Lists-The Arthurian Legend - The Matter of Britain
"Ne sont que iii matières à nul homme atandant, De France et de Bretaigne, et de Rome la grant."
"There are but 3 li...
Recommended Reading Lists-The DaVinci Code - The DaVinci Code
Book Salon BibliographySteven Armstrong, PhD (Cand), and Book Salon MembersSeptember 4, 2004
Further reading on topics in Dan Brown’s T...
Renew Membership - We are thrilled to welcome you back as an active member of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC!
Please select your membership type below to renew. Be sure to use the ...
Renew MembershipOLD - We are thrilled to welcome you back as a member of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC!
Please select your membership type below to renew. Be sure to use the same ema...
Resources APP - Download the AMORC Resources App!
Access Imperator's Messages, the Cycle of Life Calculator, Videos, Podcasts and more ...
or scan the QR code with your pho...
Rosicrucian Books - Rosicrucian Books
Here you will find a selection of books from the Rosicrucian Library that will be of interest to all mystics and students of mysticism and me...
Rosicrucian Code of Life - Rosicrucian Code of Life
Salutem Punctis Trianguli!
In the morning, before rising, thank the God of your Heart for the new day that you are privileged to li...
Rosicrucian Digest - Mysticism -
Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 102 Number 2 2024
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we explore Mysticism, the concept at the heart of ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Alchemy - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 91 Number 1 2013
This is the fourteenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that h...
Rosicrucian Digest - Atlantis - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 84 Number 2 2006
This is the first in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that hav...
Rosicrucian Digest - Celebrating 100 Years - Rosicrucian Digest
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC Celebrates 100 Years
Volume 93 Number 1 2015
This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest celebrates the 100th Anni...
Rosicrucian Digest - Cosmic Politics - Rosicrucian Digest
Cosmic Politics
Volume 95 Number 1 2017
In this issue of the Digest, we explore politics, human relationships, and our responsibilitie...
Rosicrucian Digest - Delphi - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 86 Number 2 2008
This is the fifth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have co...
Rosicrucian Digest - Discovering the Rosicrucian Path - Rosicrucian Digest
Discovering the Rosicrucian Path
Volume 97 Number 1 2019
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we share some of the many ways in wh...
Rosicrucian Digest - Egypt - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 85 Number 1 2007
This is the second in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Eleusis - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 87 Number 2 2009
This is the seventh in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have...
Rosicrucian Digest - Essenes - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 85 Number 2 2007
This is the third in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have c...
Rosicrucian Digest - Expanding Our Awareness - Rosicrucian Digest
Expanding Our Awareness
Volume 99 Number 2 2021
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest we explore Expanding Our Awareness by ta...
Rosicrucian Digest - Gnosticism - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 89 Number 2 2011
This is the eleventh in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources tha...
Rosicrucian Digest - Hermetism - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 89 Number 1 2011
This is the tenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring source...
Rosicrucian Digest - Isis - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 88 Number 1 2010
This is the eighth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that have con...
Rosicrucian Digest - Kabbalah - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 90 Number 2 2012
This is the thirteenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Martinism - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 92 Number 1 2014
This is the sixteenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources that ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Montreal World Convention -
Rosicrucian Digest
Montreal World Convention
Volume 101 Number 2 2023
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we share the presentations from th...
Rosicrucian Digest - Mystical Italy - Rosicrucian Digest
Mystical Italy
Volume 96 Number 2 2018
In anticipation of the Rome 2019 AMORC World Convention, this issue of the&...
Rosicrucian Digest - Neoplatonism - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 90 Number 1 2012
This is the thirteenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources t...
Rosicrucian Digest - Radiant Health - Rosicrucian Digest
Radiant Health
Volume 97 Number 2 2019
This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest is dedicated to your radiant health on all levels of your ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Rosicrucian Alchemy - Rosicrucian Digest
Rosicrucian Alchemy
Volume 96 Number 1 2018
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we present Rosicrucian Alchemy.
Please join us i...
Rosicrucian Digest - Rosicrucian Reflections -
Rosicrucian Digest
Rosicrucian Reflections
Volume 101 Number 1 2023
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, members share lessons and reflection...
Rosicrucian Digest - Rosicrucian Writers - Rosicrucian Digest
Rosicrucian Writers
Volume 100 Number 2 2022
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we celebrate modern Rosicrucian writers.
Rosicrucian Digest - Rosicrucianism - Rosicrucian Digest
Volume 91 Number 2 2013
This is the fifteenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources ...
Rosicrucian Digest - Submission - Guidelines for Submission
The Rosicrucian Digest is published two times per year by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. Its audience includes members of the Ros...
Rosicrucian Digest - Symposium Presentations -
Rosicrucian Digest
Symposium Presentations
Volume 102 Number 1 2024
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest, we share some of the presentations f...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Chymical Wedding - Rosicrucian Digest
The Chymical Wedding
Volume 94 Number 1 2016
This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest celebrates the four hundredth anniversary of t...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Mithraic Mysteries - Rosicrucian Digest
The Mithraic Mysteries
Volume 88 Number 2 2010
This is the ninth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest explori...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Orphic Mysteries - Rosicrucian Digest
The Orphic Mysteries
Volume 86 Number 1 2008
This is the fourth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sourc...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Pythagoreans - Rosicrucian Digest
The Pythagoreans
Volume 87 Number 1 2009
This is the sixth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest exploring sources ...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC - Rosicrucian Digest
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Volume 92 Number 2 2014
This is the seventeenth in a series of thematic issues of the Rosicrucian Digest ex...
Rosicrucian Digest - The Sacred Feminine - Rosicrucian Digest
The Sacred Feminine
Volume 99 Number 1 2021
In this issue of the Rosicrucian Digest we celebrate the Sacred Feminine, exploring ...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive - Rosicrucian Digest Archive by Decade
The Rosicrucian Digest is the official magazine of the Rosicrucian Order, and it has since its inception one hundred yea...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1920s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1920s
Back to Listing of Archive Issues >>
Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Mystic Triangl...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1930s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1930s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Mystic Triangl...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1940s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1940s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Mystic Triangl...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1950s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1950s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Di...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1960s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1960s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Di...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1970s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1970s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Di...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1980s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1980s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Di...
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1990s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 1990s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Digest Archive 2000s - Rosicrucian Digest Archive 2000s
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Current Issues of the Rosicrucian Digest 2006 - Present >>
Rosicrucian Digest Member Stories - Stories from our Members
Steven Armstrong, FRC
Chris Barton, FRC
Maitreya Maria Carrino, SRC
Elsie DiMarzio, SRC
Greg Godfrey, FRC
Anthony Jon...
Rosicrucian Forum -
Rosicrucian Forum
The Rosicrucian Forum, published continuously since 1930, presents archival and current articles written by leaders of the Rosicrucian Orde...
Rosicrucian History and Mysteries -
Rosicrucian History and Mysteries
by Christian Rebisse
Often considered to be a secret society, the Rosicrucian Order is one of the most enigmatic of t...
Rosicrucian Park - Rosicrucian Park
Rosicrucian Park, with its world-famous Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, is also home to the new Rosicrucian Labyrinth, Alchemy Exhibit, and Alche...
Rosicrucian Park Zero Net Energy Project - Rosicrucian Park Zero Net Energy Project
Support the Rosicrucian Order's commitment to a sustainable use of natural resources by helping Rosicrucian Park mai...
Rosicrucian Principles for Home and Business - Rosicrucian Principles for the Home and Business
by H. Spencer Lewis
This volume contains such principles of practical Rosicrucian teachings as are appli...
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers - Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
by Christian Bernard
This book provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding the Rosicrucian tradition and the Rosi...
Rosicrucian Reflections - Rosicrucian Reflections
by Christian Bernard
Written by Christian Bernard, Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, this book represents the thoughts and id...
Rosicrucian Vowel Sound App - The New Rosicrucian Vowel Sound App!
Discover the ancient spiritual practice of Rosicrucian vowel sounds, designed to enhance your spiritual development and pi...
Rosicrucianism - Are you a Mystic?
Do you find yourself asking:
Who am I?
What is my purpose?
Is there more to this wonderful universe than I see around me?
These are the...
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians - Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians
Between 1785 and 1788 an unknown Rosicrucian compiled text and images from earlier materials that deal with Alchemy,&nb...
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life -
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
by H. Spencer Lewis
A unique presentation of the mysterious Cosmic cycles that influence the personal, so...
Sepher Yezirah - A Book on Creation -
Sepher Yezirah - A Book on Creation
by Isidor Kalisch
One of the most important books on the Kabbalah, Sepher Yezirah is an outstanding meditation manu...
So Mote It Be! - So Mote It Be!
by Christian Bernard
This collection of writings explore topics dear to Rosicrucian hearts: the power of universal love, the heritage of the Ro...
Spiritual Laws - Spiritual Laws that Govern Humanity and the Universe
by Dr. Lonnie C. Edwards
The Divine has created laws by which the universe is governed. Humanity has cont...
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Texts - Texts and Publications
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC e-book library is available for free online!
We hope that you enjoy having this access to ...
Thank You Donation - Thank you so much for your generosity toward the work of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC!
We will be confirming receipt of your donation with an email, that you m...
Thank You Email - Thank you for requesting "The Mastery of Life!"
Here is the link to access the book immediately.
We also believe that you will enjoy the short vid...
Thank You Order - Congratulations on becoming a member of the Rosicrucians!
Very shortly, you will receive two emails, one to confirm your email address and the second with logi...
The American Rosae Crucis -
The American Rosae Crucis
by Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Partial Contents: The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis; Secret of the Sphinx; Mrs. May Ban...
The Conscious Interlude - The Conscious Interlude
by Ralph M. Lewis
With clarity of expression and insightful penetration of thought, this original philosopher leads us to contemplate ...
The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge - The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge
by Cecil A. Poole
Philosopher and author Cecil Poole presents an easy to read exploration of philosophy and knowledge, le...
The Immortalized Words of the Past -
The Immortalized Words of the Past
by Ralph M. Lewis
This collection of inspired writings represents the vast body of knowledge reflecting the advancem...
The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt - The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt
by Max Guilmot
Rosicrucian Egyptologist Max Guilmot presents the mystical meaning of some of the most important r...
The Inner World of Dreams - The Inner World of Dreams
by Phyllis L. Pipitone
Learn all about your dreams and what they can teach you about yourself and your world. The author takes the r...
The Journey into Self and the Mystical Path - The Journey into Self and the Mystical Path
The Lost Self
From childhood we begin hiding our inner self away. We learn to adapt and survive in the outside wor...
The Mystic Path - The Mystic Path
by Raymund Andrea
Former Rosicrucian Grand Master Andrea discusses subjects of particular importance to all people traveling on the mystical p...
The Mystical Life of Jesus - The Mystical Life of Jesus
by H. Spencer Lewis
This fascinating, non-sectarian treatment of the unknown life of Jesus is based on records preserved in the arc...
The New Chymical Wedding - The New Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
Inspired by the third Rosicrucian manifesto, the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, published four hu...
The Sanctuary of Self - The Sanctuary of Self
by Ralph M. Lewis
What could be more essential than the discovery and analysis of self, the composite of that consciousness which consti...
The Secret Doctrines of Jesus -
The Secret Doctrines of Jesus
by H. Spencer Lewis
Following years of extensive research and journeys to the Holy Land and Egypt, H. Spencer Lewis revea...
The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid -
The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid
by H. Spencer Lewis
The world's greatest mystery and first wonder is the Great Pyramid. It stands as a monument t...
The Tarot in the Light of Kabbalah - The Tarot in the Light of Kabbalah
by Josselyne Chourry
Although the Tarot is often used as a medium for divination, Josselyne Chourry reveals its deeper, spi...
The Technique of the Disciple -
The Technique of the Disciple
by Raymund Andrea
The Technique of the Disciple is a book containing a modem description of the ancient esoteric path to spiri...
The Technique of the Master - The Technique of the Master
by Raymund Andrea
In this book, former Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order Raymund Andrea explores the Way of the Master or...
The Universe of Numbers - The Universe of Numbers
by Ruth Phelps
From antiquity, the strangest of systems attempting to reveal the universe has been that of numbers. This book goes bac...
The Way Of The Heart - The Way Of The Heart
by Raymund Andrea
This special book of sixteen thought-provoking essays includes discussions concerning subjects of particular importance...
The Word Went Forth - The Word Went Forth
by Laura DeWitt James
Originally published in 1942 by the Rosicrucian Order, this delightful little book has been unavailable for 70 years...
Through the Mind’s Eye - Through the Mind’s Eye
by Ralph M. Lewis
This collection of nineteen essays covers a wide range of philosophical concepts. As you will discover, truth i...
Treasures of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - Treasures of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum
by Lisa Schwappach-Shirriff
This catalogue features the major artifacts in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San...
Unto Thee I Grant… - Unto Thee I Grant…
by Sri Ramatherio
Out of the mysteries of the past comes this antique book that was written two thousand years ago, but was hidden i...
Upon a Quiet - Upon a Quiet
by Michael Shaluly
A poetry book from longtime Rosicrucian Michael Shaluly, this collection explores a mystical perspective on life.
Weekly Wisdom Text Opt-in Thank You - Thank you for opting in to receive Weekly Wisdom SMS Texts
Each week, we will send you a Weekly Wisdom Text.
If, at any time, you wish to opt-out, jus...
What to Eat and When - What to Eat and When
by Stanley K. Clark
“Mind over matter" is not a trite phrase. Your moods, your temperament, your very thoughts can and do affect di...
Whisperings of Self - Whisperings of Self
by Ralph M. Lewis
Experience the wisdom, wit, and insight of former Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Ralph M. Lewis, in this col...
Will or Living Trust - Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
Deepen Your Connections
You want to leave money to The Rosicrucian Order in your will. You also want the flexibili...
Yesterday Has Much To Tell - Yesterday Has Much To Tell
by Ralph M. Lewis
The author takes you to the out-of-the-way places where practices are perpetuated which are often misunderstood&m...
05_boehme.pdf - Page 20
Jacob Boehme
Translated by Marion S. Owens, SI
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin was so inspired by the writings of the mystic Jacob Boehme
The_New_Chymical_Wedding.pdf - MANIFESTO
The New Chymical Wedding
of Christian Rosenkreutz
1616 - 2016
Cosmica lex successit!
Sealed January 6, 2016
Rosicrucian Year 3368
Antiquus Mysti...
Digest%202017%20No.%202%20Introduction.pdf - Page 1
There are special places in the world –
places that, because of their location
or the ambience surrounding them, are
recognized by many people as u...
Digest%202017%20No.%202%20Then%20and%20Now.pdf - Page 17
Despite a decade of worldwide
economic depression, H.
Spencer Lewis’s vision of
Rosicrucian Park, seen at left in
an aerial photo in 1939, came ...
Digest%202017%20No.%202%20We%20Did%20It.pdf - Page 18
Dear Fratres and Sorores,
In 2002, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the
founding of Rosicrucian Park, the B...
Digest%202017%20No.%202%20Reaching%20the%20Roof.pdf - Page 25
Not long ago, a contractor started to
build a home in the suburbs of this city,
and I was interested in watching the care
with which he constructed ...
Our-Position.pdf - Page 2
Our Position
Christian Bernard, FRC
Imperator, Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, 1990 to present
e are at a transitional time
for humanity. A realization
is ...
Creating-Your-Future.pdf - Page 6
continue their journey on
the other side toward the
distant goal. They were
face-to-face with real
engineering problems,
and yet had neither the
Been-Waiting-For.pdf - Page 10
We are the Ones
We’ve Been Waiting For
Attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder
ou have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour,
now you...
The-Appeal.pdf - Page 11
The Appeal
Grand Master Julie Scott, SRC
n the year 2014,
the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC
published the
fifth Rosicrucian
manifesto in our
Rosicrucian-Declaration-Human-Duties.pdf - Page 14
Rosicrucian Declaration of
Human Duties
As soon as humans became aware of the need to live in organized societies, they
created diverse for...
map.pdf - Rosicrucian
No. 2
2010Page 28 Page 29
Location of Mithraea from Franz Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra (1902).
atlantic ocean
Creed-of-Peace.pdf - Page 18
Once we fully understand this then perhaps we can focus on the “Contr\
to Peace” alone. Until then it may be best to continue to awaken our...
Contribution-of-Peace.pdf - Page 19
I contribute to Peace when I strive to express the best of myself
in my contacts with others.
I contribute to Peace when I use ...
A-Call-for-Healing-and-Peace.pdf - Page 20
efore reading this article, please
take several deep breaths,
breathing slowly in and slowly
out. Then center yourself, drawing unto
yourself the ...
Helpful-Hints-Rosicrucian-Student.pdf - Page 27
Helpful Hints For
the Rosicrucian Student
on the Mystical Path
Times of Trial
hen faced with stressful
and difficult situations,
particularly th...
Heraclitus-Democritus.pdf - Page 29
Heraclitus and Democritus
The Weeping and Laughing
Ancient Greek Philosophers
From a Rosicrucian manuscript
eraclitus of Ephesus, son of
Blyson, wa...
Inner-Growth-Through-Listening.pdf - Page 34
Inner Growth Through Listening
From a Rosicrucian manuscript
any conversations are just
alternating monologues and
we could, in most situations,
Namaste.pdf - Page 37
Rusi J. Daruwala, FRC
any people are
familiar with
Albrecht Durer’s
drawing “Praying Hands,”
often reproduced on
Christmas greeting...
Applying-the-Rosicrucian-Principles.pdf - Page 1
had the good fortune as a new
Rosicrucian student to have a mentor,
Soror Emma Buford, who introduced
me to the Order. She would frequently ask
me ...
A Triangle of Love - Page 11
A Triangle of Love
Tom Ogazon, FRC
’ve always felt a particular connection
to the mystical interpretation of
numbers and symbols. Although I
An Isis Timeline - An Isis Timeline by Katherine Schaefers, M.A. The journey from the ancient Egyptian myths of Isis as the grieving wife gathering the parts of her slain husban...
An Orphic Timeline - Page 9
he figure of Orpheus and the Mysteries
of Orphism originate in Greek Antiquity
and have continued to influence the
Western world to the p...
Digest Vol. 82 No.1 - Page 13
EEING the only wise and merciful God in
these latter days hath poured out so richly
his mercy and goodness to mankind,
whereby we do attain more and m...
Dig_v85_2_websup1.indd - Page i
Royle Thurston (H. Spencer Lewis)
Reprinted from The American Rosae Crucis Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 1920), p. 26
he old Rosicrucian “Temple of Alden” is si...
How Thoughts Project - Page 19
How Thoughts Project
H. Spencer Lewis, FRC
Co-founder and Imperator (1915-1939) of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
n these days, when so much is being
Mystical Prayer - Page 17
Mystical Prayer
Michael Shaluly, FRC
y life has been guided by
AMORC’s teachings for
over 35 years. The principles
supported us when we started a...
online_digest_1206.indd - Each issue of the Rosicrucian Digest provides members and
all interested readers with a compendium of materials
regarding the ongoing flow of the Rosicrucian ...
Orpheus - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 38
he visionary author, film maker, and
poet Jean Cocteau, a mentor and
friend of Rosicrucian singer Edith Pia...
Orpheus and Eurydice from the Georgics - Page i
n the golden age of Latin literature, the
poet Publius Vergilius Maro published his
second work, The Georgics, in 28 BCE.
Purporting to ...
Orpheus and Eurydice from the Metamorphoses - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 2
ublius Ovidius Naso (43 BCE-17 CE)
was a renowned and sometimes con-
troversial poet whose work, along with
that ...
Orpheus and Eurydice from the Metamorphoses - Page v
Orpheus and Eurydice from the
ublius Ovidius Naso (43 BCE-17 CE)
was a renowned and sometimes con-
troversial poet whose work, al...
Orpheus Today - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 42
he long line of Orphism extends from
our Paleolithic past into the foreseeable
future. Its chief characteris...
Prosperity - An Expansion of Awareness - Page 2
ne snowy night some years ago
in my hometown of St. Louis,
Missouri, members of the St.
Louis Lodge departed the temple after
convocation to find ...
Rosicrucian Code of Life - Page 31
Rosicrucian Code of Life
Salutem Punctis Trianguli!
In the morning, befor
e rising, thank the God of your Heart for the new day that
you are pri...
Rosicrucian Digest Vol 86 Number 1 2008 - Each issue of the Rosicrucian Digest provides members and all interested readers with a compendium of materials
regarding the ongoing flow of the Rosicrucian T...
Rosicrucian Digest Vol 87 No 1 2009 The Pythagoreans - Each issue of the Rosicrucian Digest provides members and all interested readers with a compendium of materials
regarding the ongoing flow of the Rosicrucian T...
Rosicrucian Digest Vol 91 No 1 2013 Alchemy - Page 1
In 1927, the city of San Jose had
a population of approximately 57,000
people, and it served as the center for a vast
and abundant agricultural area...
Rosicrucian Digest Vol 95 No 1 2017 Cosmic Politics - Page 16
he words
written above
by former
Imperator Ralph
Maxwell Lewis have
inspired Rosicrucians
and others for decades.
This is one of the
Rosicrucian Ritual - Page 23
Rosicrucian Ritual
This artwork and verse are a hymn of praise and thanksgiving. It is my inevitably
inadequate attempt to describe my own inner experi...
Shedding Light on Some Orphic Gods - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 24
eyond the myth of Orpheus and
Eurydice, so well known today, is
a much more complex theology of
Sonnets to Orpheus - Page 37
Sonnets to Orpheus
Rainer Maria Rilke
Orpheus with Lyre and Animals, Virgil Solis (1563), illustration for
Ovid’s Metamorphoses, from Ovid Illustrate...
Sonnets to Orpheus - Page xi
uring a short space of time
February 2-5, 1922, the Ger-
man poet Rainer Maria Rilke
(1875-1926) wrote the majority of these son-
The Hymn of Isis - Page i
ound in the Nag Hammadi Library,
which was unearthed in 1945, this
selection from the poetic Gnostic
text Thunder, Perfect Mind ha...
The Mystic Philosophy of Orpheus - Page 19
his article is adapted from the series
“The Mystic Philosophy of Plotinus,” by
Ralph M. Lewis, originally published
in the Rosicru...
The Mythology of Orpheus and the Mysteries - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 22
xcerpted from the article “Mythology,”
by Maria E. Daniels, this essay was
originally published in the R...
The Orphic Mysteries - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 48
oscelyn Godwin is one of the leading
scholars of esotericism today. In Chapter 3
of his recent survey of t...
The Practical Application of Mysticism - Page 33
he experiences we have and
which are engendered from our
subconscious mind or Inner Self
when attuning with the Cosmic will assume
the sensations ...
The Theology of Orpheus - Rosicrucian
No. 1
Page 4
n the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, long before the discovery of
the Dead Sea Scrolls ...
Two Practical Principless - Page 5
Two Practical Principles
Erwin Watermeyer, FRC
rwin Watermeyer, FRC, was a RCUI Instructor and served as the Chair of the Physics
Department at Rose-C...