Conflict, Karma, and Resolution - Hamilton, ON

April 13, 2025 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Location: Hamilton, ON
Street: 64 Wellington St N
City/Town: Hamilton, ON L8R 1N1
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Hamilton, ON

Event Description

Conflict, Karma, and Resolution

Public event - Mystical Exercise and Discussion


Please arrive at least 5 minutes early so we can start on time.

Location: Unity Hall, 64 Wellington St. N. Hamilton. Street parking is available. 

Rosicrucians call the ‘greatest happiness’ Peace Profound. We believe that the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC can help you find the answers to life’s questions through the study of the metaphysical laws that govern the universe.

In this presentation, we will conduct an exercise using visualization and vowel sounds to attune with highest sacred Source we are capable of attuning with (the Celestial Sanctum) to receive a flow of the higher level of vibrations.

Discussion: In the universe, life is a connected whole, and each individual has a universe inside. When we unify with the universal Cosmic mind, we find the meaning of life. When we are ready to sense this harmony, a silent voice within prompts us to enter a path of psychic as well as physical development, a spiritual path.

The beauty and excellence in the world began in the thoughts and actions created by humans in harmony with the Cosmic principles of compassion, mercy, and love. Discord with the universal expressions of law, rhythm, and harmony manifest in humans as illnesses and in the world as war and social unrest, etc. Conflicts are both within and without ourselves.

What is the purpose of conflict? Is it caused by unseen circumstances and disharmony in our minds? When things make no sense, we may wonder why do we exist? Conflicts and adversity are expressions of karma, the law of cause and effect. Individuals and humans collectively create their own karma. Karma as an expression of life, and evolution is the foundation of our spiritual progress. Starting a spiritual journey brings difficulties, but mastering them brings victory. We will also discuss:

· Concentration, visualization and meditation as techniques to attune with the ‘God of our Heart’ to move from conflict to resolution.

· Maintaining trust and confidence in our efforts.

· How can we deal with the disharmony we may again experience due to personal struggles after leaving the meditative state?

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