Location: Trillium Pronaos
Street: 41 Rosemount Avenue
City/Town: Ottawa ON K1Y 1P3
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/ontariorosicrucians/home/trillium-pronaos?authuser=0
You are invited to Trillium Pronaos’ Mystical Day
Free in-person event (donations are accepted)
Saturday September 21st from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm
Morning: AMORC members only (doors open 9.30 am)
Lunch: Bring your own or there are eateries nearby
Afternoon: PUBLIC and AMORC members (1.00 p.m.; light refreshments)
Location: Rosemount Hall; 41 Rosemount Avenue (near intersection of Gladstone and Parkdale avenues), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact email: ontario@amorc.rosicrucian.org
The event is announced online on Meetup at type ‘Ottawa Rosicrucian Meetup’ in the search bar.’ Feel free to share this with friends and family.
Join us in sharing what you find most helpful in fostering inner harmony and how doing so also calms what seems turbulent around us.
• How can we better deal with such life circumstances?
• What have mystics taught over the ages that will help us better to "Know Ourselves"?
• What roles do emotions like gratitude, forgiveness, tolerance, and even lofty concepts like Universal Love play in fostering inner peace?
Throughout this Mystical Day:
• We will explore techniques for creating and sustaining inner harmony, what Rosicrucians call "Peace Profound."
• We will learn more about self-mastery, the key to inner evolution.
• We will practice projection and reception of thought in aid of improving our lives and the lives of those around us.
Morning Program (open to AMORC members only):
9:30 am: Doors open - Please plan to arrive no later than 10:15 am
10:20 am: Pre-convocation meditation
10:30 am: Pronaos Convocation with official visit by our new Grand Councillor, Sr. Helen Miller - Membership credentials and current dues paid receipt required
Afternoon Open House/Meetup Program (non-members and friends welcome!):
1:00 pm: workshop: "Creating Inner Harmony" with special guest presenter/facilitator, Grand Councilor, Sr. Helen Miller
4:30 pm: workshop wrap-up