Location: New Hampshire Discussion Group
Street: Dover Recreation Center, 61 Locust St
City/Town: Dover, NH 03820
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/rosicrucians-in-new-hampshire/rosicrucian-study-group
The public is invited to join fellow Seekers and Rosicrucian students for an Open Meeting discussion at 1:00 pm EDT on “Introduction to the Endocrine Glands” by H. Spencer Lewis, FRC and “General Points on the Role of the Endocrine Glands” by Paul Dupont, MD, FRC (Rosicrucian Digest, Vol 97, No 2, 2019).
Open meetings are a great opportunity to meet others of like mind, ask questions, and learn more about the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and its teachings.
We look forward to meeting with you at the Dover Recreation Center, 61 Locust St (next to the library), Door 3, Room 323, Dover, NH 03820!