Location: Miami Lodge
Street: 1671 West 37th Street, Unit # 7
City/Town: Hialeah, FL 33012
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/floridarosicrucians/miami-lodge
AMORC Members-only
AMORC members are warmly invited to join Miami Lodge on December 15, 2024, for Mystical Convocation that will be preceded by a 6th Degree Forum and followed by a Council of Solace and Open Meeting.
AMORC Members who have reached the First Atrium Degree or higher, in their studies are eligible to attend Convocation.
Members should arrive by 8:45 am for the forum and by 10:30 am for Convocation to register and for mystical preparation. They must present their current membership credentials to be admitted.
Schedule of Activities
9:00 AM 6th Degree Forum – For Members who have attained this Degree
11:00 AM Mystical Convocation - AMORC Members who have reached the First Atrium Degree or higher
12:00 PM Break
12:30 PM Council of Solace and Open Meeting w/Social – Members and non-Members are welcome
We look forward to having you join us.