Location: Online 7:30pm MDT
AMORC members are invited to join the Calgary Pronaos for a monthly review of one of our Rosicrucian Digest articles. This month we have chosen an article from our most recent RC Digest Volume 102, #2, 2024. The article is titled Mysticism in the Evolution of Cultures by Peter Bindon, FRC. We will look at how Mysticism helped shape societies through the ages. We will also look at how we can apply mysticism now, in order to shape the next stages of humanity.
The presentation will be facilitated by Western Canada Regional Monitor, Bernie Cook. If you wish to attend, please take a moment to read the article to familiarize yourself with the content. You can access the RC Digest in the "Text" menu on the RC website.
As this meeting is online, you can access the Zoom link through the "Events" section in the Rosicrucian Online Community.