Location: Pikes Peak Atrium Group
Street: 1150 Panorama Drive
City/Town: Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Website or Map: https://sites.google.com/a/amorc.rosicrucian.org/coloradorosicrucians/rocky-mountain-region-amorc/pikes-peak-atrium-group
AMORC members, their family, and close friends of the Rosicrucian Order are invited to attend.
At 7:15 pm we will hold our Council of Solace healing meditation.
For our Mystical Convocation, beginning at 7:40 pm, we will present an experiment on "Telepathy with Mental Harmonization" with a small discussion after to further expand on the topic and its importance for Rosicrucianism.
Members, please bring your membership credentials and your latest dues receipt to the meeting (electronic copy is ok).
I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening!
Light, Life, and Love,
Nathan Klotz
Pikes Peak Atrium Group Leader
Our meeting place is in the Masonic Lodge at 1150 Panorama Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (just west of the intersection of Mesa and Fillmore). When you arrive, enter the south doors, go up the stairs to your left and through the double doors at the top to our meeting room. If the doors are closed, please have a seat and wait quietly until someone comes out to let you in.