Location: Online 7:00pm EDT
"This moment of duration of consciousness for this particular time is the most important time in... life." It is more important than the past, and more important than the future.
This 1970 Rosicrucian Digest article (https://b45e1c3778bbf3ebb96c-637cca54df3fd347e9c3d5d35c2f839a.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/Rosicrucian_Digest_v48_n1_1970_OCR.pdf, p 14) was written by Cecil A. Poole who was the Vice-President of the board of Directors of the Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC. In 1984, he was recognized for 50 years of service to the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.
Please join us for a members-only teleconference as Palmetto Atrium Group Leader Cindy John, SRC leads a discussion on the highlights of this article. We look forward to seeing you there!