Winter Symposium: The Way of the Heart - Virtual Event

December 21, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Location: Online 10:00 am PST

Online  10:00 am PST

Event Description

Join us for an enlightening exploration of The Way of the Heart as we focus our attention on the transformative power of the heart as a center of wisdom, compassion, and spiritual growth. We will delve into ancient teachings and modern insights, participate in meditative practices, esoteric discussions, and heartfelt connections. 

Together, we will explore how The Way of the Heart fosters inner harmony, deepens our connection to universal truths, and leads to a life of purpose and love. Join us in this journey inward and awaken further to your heart's profound mysteries.

(Please note all times listed are Pacific.)


10:00 am The Way of the Heart Meditation with Grand Master Julie Scott

The Way of the Heart is a contemplative practice used in mystical traditions to focus the mind, open the heart, and connect with the Divine. In this meditation, Grand Master Julie Scott will lead us in a process to integrate deeper awareness, love, and purpose in our lives. We can return to this meditation anytime we seek clarity, peace, or a renewed connection with our inner self.

10:30 am The Spiritual Ministry of Humankind with Julian Johnson

The Spiritual Ministry of Humankind by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, published in 1802, one year before his death, is a significant work within the mystical and theosophical traditions of Western spirituality. Saint-Martin's writings reflect his pursuit of divine wisdom, human spiritual transformation, and the relationship between humanity and the Divine.  His writings emphasize the inner spiritual journey, the union of the soul with the Divine, and the role of divine wisdom in human life.

11:00 am Meditation of Our Heart at the Center of the Universe with Hugh McCague

In the AMORC book Cosmic Mission Fulfilled, Imperator Emeritus Ralph M. Lewis described a meditation practice recommended by Imperator Emeritus Harvey Spencer Lewis. This meditation exercise focuses on our heart as being at the center of the universe and surrounded by the Divine consciousness. We will undertake this journey with insights from a formative Master for Martinism, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, and scientific discoveries on the working of the heart. This exercise is a key to a transformative way of life in service, the Way of the Heart. 

11:30 am Silent Night of the Heart with Cheri Gandy

“Silent Night” is a revered and cherished hymn; and in many ways, its initiatory overtones resonate with the heart-centered path of Martinism. In this presentation, we will explore how these come together in a rich mystical dialogue that leads us to a renewed understanding of Martinism’s “Way of the Heart.”

12:00 pm Our Spiritual Heart with Michael Shaluly

The longer nights that surround us during winter can be a time for reflection. Such reflection can beckon us to celebrate the beauty of our inner light poised against the darkness of our outer world, or it can turn us outward towards boredom and temptation. Thus it is that in mystical circles, the north is looked at as a place where the student must find their inner torch to lead them away from temptation and towards a Greater Light.  “The Way of the Heart” suggests that we are on a such journey. We will follow this journey together towards understanding a higher aspect of self and discovering our Spiritual Heart.

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- Validivar