Here is a book that you will enjoy reading — no matter what your beliefs or affiliations‚ — because it will give you an insight into the fascinating practices and customs of the peoples of the East and ancient worlds from which our civilization sprang.
A personal account of witnessing native ceremonies, conversations with mystical teachers and austere high priests of the Near and Far East. It takes you to rites in the interior of Africa and to temples in Peru, India, Egypt, and other exotic lands. This is no mere travel book; the author was privileged, because of his Rosicrucian affiliation, to see and learn that which is not ordinarily revealed.
You are taken by this book into the heart of the Great Pyramid, where there is performed a fascinating ceremony on an eventful day — a ceremony performed for the first time after three thousand years. You meet, through the author, adepts, masters, and teachers of the Hermetic Orders of Europe.
You are invited to look behind the scenes of the conditions existing in the countries of Asia Minor, to learn why these countries have always played such a prominent and decisive part in all of the great wars of the world. If you love mysticism, adventure, and travel, this book will gratify you.
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We Begin Our Journey
Our Mystical Initiations
A City of Strange Contrasts
Mother Nile
Prophecy Day in the Great Pyramid
Temples and Tombs
The Valley of the Kings
Strife in the Holyland
The Unknown Conditions of Palestine
Ancient Phoenicia
The Oldest Inhabited City of the World
Crossing the Mesopotamian Desert
The City of the Arabian Nights
Amid the Dust of the Ages
I Relive a Life
The Vineyard of Wisdom
A Thousand Years of Yesterdays
Rosicrucian Principles for Home and Business
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid
Behold the Sign - Ancient Symbolism
The Immortalized Words of the Past
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
Our Cosmic Neighbors: Story of the Stars
The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt
Sepher Yezirah - A Book on Creation
Cares that Infest - Between Man and Happiness
The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge
Mysticism: The Ultimate Experience
Rosicrucian History and Mysteries
Treasures of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum