Harvey Spencer Lewis was born in New Jersey on November 25, 1883, of Welsh heritage and Methodist parents. He received an excellent education and a fine upbringing. From a very early age, he underwent mystical experiences which already indicated his exceptional destiny. For several years, he was the president of the New York Institute for Psychical Research, and was considered an authority in this field. In 1909, he made contact with the European leaders of the Rosicrucian Order. Having given proof of his integrity and of his knowledge in philosophical and esoteric matters, he was initiated in Toulouse, where he officially received the mission of reactivating the Order in America. Despite encountering numerous obstacles and difficulties, he carried out his mission well, and in conformity with the instructions that were given him by the Rosicrucians of France, he began to put into writing the Rosicrucian teachings. In order to demonstrate the traditional and authentic foundations of the Order, he made it known under the name, "The Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rose Cross." In 1915 he was named Imperator, that is, the international leader. After having dedicated his entire life to the service of the Order, Harvey Spencer Lewis passed through transition on August 2, 1939. This work, which is dedicated to him, is presented so that you can discover his thoughts through his essays. Though written in the past century, their message is always fresh. They demonstrate the modern spirit and avant-garde nature of this great philosopher and humanist.
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A Restorer of Rosicrucianism
Testimony by Ralph M. Lewis, F.R.C.
An Open Letter to All Rosicrucians
From Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, S.R.C.
H. Spencer Lewis by Peter Falcone, F.R.C.
My Youth by H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C.
Articles by H. Spencer Lewis
Our Heaven and Hell
Supermen and Superwomen
The Mystical Meaning of Amen
True Equality
Mysticism and Balance
Must We Suffer to Grow?
What Makes for Peace?
The Coming Revolution
The Bridge of Life
Attracting Success
Free Souls
What Is Karma?
A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
Another Spring
In Thy Right Hand
Aum, Om, Amen
Your Sons and Daughters
The Birth Date of a Great Avatar
Imagination and Creativity
Making Progress
The Master Within
Being True to Self
Does Fear Enslave You?
Winter, Herald of Rebirth
Modern Alchemy
Christmas Has a Mystical Meaning
Work, a Lost Art?
Living in the Clouds
War, a Condition of Mind
Being a Mystic and Being Sane
The Rationalism of Reincarnation
Adult Education
Making Christmas Come True
The Divine Law of Compensation
Ascending the Mountain
The Eyes of a Mystic
Comprehending the Incomprehensible
Is Peace Hopeless?
Cosmic Politics
God and the Cosmic
The Worst of Human Weaknesses
When the Shadows Come
Magic Power of Secrecy
Creating in the Cosmic
The Secret of Praying
Visit to a Mystery School
Worldly Success and Spiritual Attainment
Quickening Nature
What Is Personality?
Three Eternal Truths
Leonardo da Vinci: A Master Mystic
Materialism and the Mystical Life
Creating Your Future
Nature Provides
How Thoughts Project
How to Pray
The Spirit of Christ
Color, Its Mystical Influence
The Divinity of Humanity
What Are Selfish Interests?
Wisdom of the Sages
The Mysterious Crate
God—A Companion in Daily Affairs
On Vibrations
Physical Weakness—No Aid to Spirituality
Love and Thanksgiving
Reaching the Roof
Back to God and Health
On God and the Cosmic
The Mastery of Fate
The Mind—A Human Radio
A Thousand Years of Yesterdays
Rosicrucian Principles for Home and Business
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid
Behold the Sign - Ancient Symbolism
The Immortalized Words of the Past
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
Our Cosmic Neighbors: Story of the Stars
The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt
Sepher Yezirah - A Book on Creation
Cares that Infest - Between Man and Happiness
The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge
Mysticism: The Ultimate Experience
Rosicrucian History and Mysteries
Treasures of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum