Former Rosicrucian Grand Master Andrea discusses subjects of particular importance to all people traveling on the mystical path.This informative and inspirational work will guide you across the threshold of mystical initiation. The author provides insights into the states of consciousness and experiences you may have as you travel the mystic path. It is filled with the fire and paths of the initiate’s quest. His spiritual, mental, and physical crises are fully described and pondered. Andrea’s deep understanding of the essence of Western mystical and transcendental thought makes this a book you will treasure and refer to often as you advance in your mystical studies. Among the many topics addressed are: Meditation, Contemplation, Awakening Consciousness, the Dark Night of the Soul, Mystical Participation, and Mystical Union.
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Mystical Knowledge: Its Paramount Value
Mystic Meditation
The Contemplative Mind
Mystic Inspiration
The Awakening Fire
The Dark Night
Mystic Love
Mystical Participation
The Disciple Militant
The Sanctity of Service
Mystical Quietude
The Mystical Challenge
A Thousand Years of Yesterdays
Rosicrucian Principles for Home and Business
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid
Behold the Sign - Ancient Symbolism
The Immortalized Words of the Past
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
The Tarot in the Light of Kabbalah
Our Cosmic Neighbors: Story of the Stars
The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt
Sepher Yezirah - A Book on Creation
Cares that Infest - Between Man and Happiness
The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge
Mysticism: The Ultimate Experience
Rosicrucian History and Mysteries
Treasures of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum